Android/T-Mobile G1

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • madirish0

    the device has serious ID issues, compared with the iPhone, no doubt. that accounts for about 2% here though. everyone kind of new the thing would be a) not totally pretty, and b) limited to being deployed to an existing/in-the-pipeline device, given it getting to market at an opportune time. easily understood.

    the real value however, is in none of that; it is the platform and direction of it that matters. this is a HUGE leap ahead of the closed platform of the iPhone (as of now) and could see some truly 'mobile' developments being deployed... not somewhat silly widgets querying nothing more than an existing website, gaming aside.

    mg33- not to pick on you at all dude, but why the panties in a knot? seems like you have read/investigated this about zero. am i wrong?

    epete22- what about this exactly, is 'old technology'? aside from the kernel (which is 100% custom to the deployment), what are you talking about? i am seriously interested to learn the perspective.

    thanks family.

    • I agree wholeheartedly. The 'openess' could also lead to the same shit widgets as the iPhone has too.Andrew_D
    • oh, for sure! no doubt there will be those. but better chance for true dev. going on.madirish

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