Pretty sex addict

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • pr20

    So today at 7am my buzzer rings. I think it might be my brother but since i share the apt with his wife she should open it for him, so i turn around and try to go to sleep.

    The people next door let the person in and i hear someone walks into my apartment (my bro has this stupid way of not locking the door) and walks to the bathroom. I think it must be my bro drunk after a whole night of alcohol, then that person walks into my room. I see an outline of a fat short woman. WTF? i think and turn on the light, It's some drunk, short, ugly Mexican lady looking for a guy named Miguell. "Lady, who the fuck are you and what the fuck u r doing in my apartment?" I ask. Then forcibly (with help of my bro who was actually asleep in his bedroom) we remove the lady from our apartment and kick her out of the building.

    Then i felt kinda sorry for the lady as i'm sure her heart was broken still looking for the love of that Miguell guy, then it occurred to me:
    If you are ugly, then you are looking for "Romeo & Juliet" kind of relationship where love last forever (cause you will never be able to do any better). While if you are attractive you are looking for "Don Giovanni" type shit where you jump from one flower to another.

    • ...and this relates to sex addiction how?MrOneHundred
    • ...I mean, it’s a compelling story. It almost deserves its own Topic. I just had certain expectations about how it might end.MrOneHundred
    • it might end.MrOneHundred
    • haha I kept waiting for the correlation ....tommyo
    • you're an idiot and probably just as ugly as you thought that woman waseighteen

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