Logo Crit

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • d_rek0

    Give them what they want (the crap you have above, sorry it is crap though) and then try to sell them on what they *need* - which is a simplified logo. Maybe one of those ideas(ie: the kid reaching for the star, the family, the scales) takes precedence over others?

    1) Scale: This thing will have to be an absolute monster to work at all - I can already tell that if it's gonna drop below a certain size the illustration & your tight kerning is all going to be lost. Simplifying the forms will help this.

    2) Consider the typography... the only reason this feels slightly 'official' or 'judicious' to me is because of the all-caps display serif(it looks like jenson or garamond to me). The script type below the name of the court doesn't gel with me at all, it works with the illustration but not the name of the court.. i think this is an issue of typographic proportion (the serif has classical proportions and the script has... well... not much going for it). I would try some sans serifs(even if you're client doesn't like them you can at least try to have fun with this piece) and maybe try alternating the colors/weights for emphasis.

    3) Not reading the hands that well in under the scales... or that they're even scales.

    and here's my subjective response:
    And for some reason I highly doubt that the idea of ANY juvenile court ANYWHERE appeals to kids... If you can find one kid(who doesn't have a record) who gives a shit about the juvenile court I would be absolutely amazed. Consider the REAL demographic of this mark even if your client isn't.

    • great points - thanks!! two versions is the way to go - a version of what they want, and a version of what they need.bulletfactory

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