USA x World olympic medal count

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • mikotondria30

    Really don't worry about it MrMonk - My wife was really anxious going to the UK, being painfully aware of her fellow country men's reputation and image management problems around the world, and I admit I was a little, knowing had ban mannered some people can be, and how American honesty and forth-rightness can be easily mis-interpreted as arrogance...
    But, it was fine - not that many people actually meet americans, and if anything the recent global media fuelled 'hatred' of the Bush admin's foray into Iraq etc has made people curious as to how the american they meet is going to behave, so we were met with more curiosity than anything.
    I will maintain that pound for pound american's are more polite to strangers than english people, and so the social wheels were oiled and everyone came off pleasantly surprised...

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