Tropic Thunder Sparks Protests

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • flavorful0

    I always wonder about the first retard in history, and how they found a genie lamp or something. And their first wish was for everyone to look like them and genie was like, "Yo son, nah son, but how about the most AMAZING people will look like you?"

    "DUOH!" would probably be the response signaling agreement, or that they wanted a rhubarb pie to sit on - regardless the genie made it happen.

    And that's why every mentally challenged person kind of looks like alike.

    There were two more wishes but the genie was laughing so hard the retard got scared and stumbled into a forest to sit until it starved to death, having no idea that it doomed countless humans in the process.

    • i fear that you may one day reproduce7point34
    • Haha yea, and I have talks with ever girl I would see not going through an abortion with about this.flavorful
    • "If the kid is a retarded, or worse yet a ginger, we're Conor Clapton'ing the lil shit factory."flavorful
    • people with down syndrome are the ones that look alike. there are many other forms of MR and some you can't even tell... makes you wonder.sea_sea
    • you wonder who has MR around you...sea_sea
    • *nods in agreement. eats paste.7point34
    • hahahaasea_sea

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