aquent site redesign-spec work

Out of context: Reply #82

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  • Aquentminister0

    um, i've been on this forum all day and I've actually been representing the Aquent brand in design forums (like AIGA conferences, etc.) for 10 years. I have not once here or there said that design is overvalued or anything like that. All we did was run an experiment and the "shitting" has been taken care of by the community.

    I'm here. I'm engaging. I'm listening. I'm responding. I thought that was what the new world was all about.

    In retrospect, do I think it was a good idea to launch this contest the way we did? No. Do I think that contests like this "devalue the profession"? No, I don't anymore than I think online job boards and social media sites devalue recruiting.

    Is the playing field changing? Yes. Does it make us work harder to demonstrate to our clients and talent that there is value in working with a staffing firm as opposed to using the numerous resources at their disposal for finding talent or finding jobs? Yes. Do we lose ground in spite of our efforts? Sometimes, we do.

    I keep coming back to this. People perceive design contests, the sites that run them, and the companies that use them as an attack on their livelihood. I see them as an emerging challenge that may actually have appropriate uses.

    Remember, people saw the desktop publishing revolution in the same way (as has been mentioned on this forum). Desktop publishing didn't kill design or the profession anymore than crowd-sourcing or outsourcing, for that matter, will. It will change it.

    The question is, how can the profession work with and within this changing environment?

    • Yikes dude, you are seriously clueless. I feel bad for you.GammaRay
    • There's no way in hell that quality designers have to compete financially with those bottom of the barrel contestsIggyboo
    • Further more it's insulting to assume that we should. You pay for what you get. business people don't get it at all.Iggyboo
    • excuse me business people that endorse buying artwork off of contests don't get it.Iggyboo
    • I am amazed you have a business thinking like that. Shocking.roundabout
    • You have been working for Aquent 10 years and still don't get what the design community is all about. If I were one of your supervisors reading this postings, I would have given you a pink slip. Unfreakingbelievable...rowermart

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