What does it take to be good?

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • Atkinson0

    Hm, my father in law was talking the other day about heros and how Hitler, Mao, Bin Laden are all heros. After he'd explained what he meant I agreed. He's Chinese, so his meaning of Hero wasn't quite what I thought. Howvere, they were / are all good - at what they do / did. They are heros to some people but generally unpopular [my opinion also]. Does good mean popular or does it mean good at what you set out to do regardless of consequence / morality etc etc. A little deep perhaps.

    • just what i was looking for.klipklap
    • murder, rapine, savagery lead to popularity. go meat!

    • i think it's lost a bit in translation... a chinese "hero" does not hold the same meaning7point34
    • no, he meant hero as being someone who succeeded in doing what they set out to do, on a mass scale and for a body of people.Atkinson

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