a mouse

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    i use to live in an old cotton mill in manchester, like the ones they turn into loft apartments for trendy folk, yunno. anyways. one night myself and my dog, mr p, saw this cute little mouse scuttle across the floor and behind the sofa. entertained us for hours. what we didn't realise was that this mouse was a scout for 59082340958340985093485098340 other mice looking for food, good wine and somewhere safe to play. within a few weeks, they were running every fuckin where. i use to wake up in the night with them all over my bed, in my food cupboards, chewing all my books, etc etc...

    i had to move out :-(

    • f'in gross! that is what I am afraid of. So far they have only been on the floor which is fine with me, but I know that is not >flashbender
    • going to last very long. I think if one were in my bed I'd smash itflashbender

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