Drilling in Anwar

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • hedge0


    ANWR Drilling Could Cut 75 Cents From Oil Prices, DOE Says

    WASHINGTON -- Producing oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska could cut crude oil prices by about 75 cents per barrel by 2025, the Energy Department said Thursday in a special analysis prepared for Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. The price decline would be about 0.6% of the current spot price. Under federal law, no drilling is now allowed in ANWR. Under the most likely case, production would begin in 2018 and peak in 2027 at 780,000 barrels per day, with total production of 2.6 billion barrels.

    • 75 cents? that's it? not 75 PER cents?simple_space
    • Every bit helps.hedge
    • but in 2025? I'm fairly sure the benefits of esoteric energy sources would be felt by then without the cost of AWNR.simple_space
    • And that's based on current demand figures....typical statistical "magic"TheBlueOne

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