Drilling in Anwar

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • TheBlueOne0

    Anwar drilling will be like a heroin addict scraping the bottom of the barrel for a hit. The underlying problem is an oil based economy that needs to move on to other energy sources. You're just prolonging the inevitable...

    I am hardly a tree hugger. Nature isn't "gentle mother earth"..no nature is one massively fucked up and crazy thing. Think about it - what massively giant fucked up unbalanced thing must've happend on the earth to create such a massive die-off of life to create such vast quantities of pooled oil to begin with. We humans have evolved in a rather benign space in earth's history - and we're doing our damnest to push the environmental envelope in all sorts of ways away from the baseline that has allowed our species to evolve and thrive. I would like humanity to continue to thrive - and to paraphrase Lincoln - I could care less if we do it with or without the spotted owl, but on the current path we'll be not thriving and killing the spotted owl or whatever tree hugger mascot you would like to stick here.

    I'm not for mother nature - who has done and will do her best to fuck us up at every turn - I'm for humans and creating the best conditions in which we can hold off natures wild swings...

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