Margaret Thatcher!

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • mikotondria30

    The ultimate reason for benefits, and the one that I am happiest with is that the long-term unemployABLE are best managed by giving them just enough to get by.
    Imagine if these retards had to go out and GET a job, that would crowd out the bottom end of the job market and make it more difficult for honest people who perhaps don't have a great education or prospects to actually have more of an opportunity to take responsibility for themselves and enjoy some relative freedom.
    People stuck on benefits are captives of the state which, in paying for them to sit on their asses, demands all kinds of intrusion and complicity, and rightly so.
    Were it not for the small amount of subsistence that the government (you and I) pay these people, they would maraude around, robbing and stealing from necessity - being unemployable.
    I am happy to pay some of my hard-earned to keep these long-term trash in their houses watching their tv's - it means they're not serving me food, or on the check out of my local store, or driving my bus.

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