Margaret Thatcher!

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • uncle_helv0

    What little I care to understand about British politics until it started affecting me (10 years ago) was that Thatcher developed a culture obsessed with profit, the conservatives privatised pretty much everything they could get away with, which lead to a decline that damaged most industries, most notably Public transport, which is pretty much why we have to put up with the disgusting mangled joke of a service we all are use to today!

    I mean all governments are shit, Labour doesn't stand for what it use to, the reason being is that the people it stood up for and built it's foundations on no longer exist, I mean what do we manufacture any more? what is our industry? we are a nation of consultants, business heads in London on £50,000+ drive this country today, and that is why the every day man/woman gets taxed so much and so often and the rich still seem top get the tax breaks!

    • there was a little red book that came out with the economist recently. i was mildly surprised to learn that the major export of the uk is "media and culture."paraselene
    • of the uk is 'media and culture'.paraselene
    • Yep consultants are the people the government must keep happy in this country!!uncle_helv

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