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Out of context: Reply #36

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  • Meeklo0

    This guy I know who is probably around 75, called me a few months ago (I can't remember exactly, but probably no more than 3 months ago) he said, listen, I have to show you my new phone, once you see this, you are going to want this, I'm sure.. I know its expensive but its worth the money...

    So a few days later we meet for lunch and there he is, with his new iPhone.. you know what what the thing that was talking about?

    "if you take a picture of someone, you can save it on your phone, so next time that person calls you, his photo will show up on the screen"

    You will get puched if you actually "timeline" someone in real life, so out of respect, I did NOT showed him, that my 6 year old nokia phone does the same thing, and it was given to me for free by me phone provider.

    That was new to him.

    • true storyMeeklo
    • its so easy a 75 yo can do it. thats good designdskz
    • not that 75 yo's are incompetent or anything...dskz
    • hahaMeeklo
    • Senior citizens are always going to be behind the times technologically. They deserve a break.ukit
    • what you said is actually true.. so intuitive, that he just discovered that feature, that he probably had on his previous phone, and never new how to use itMeeklo
    • phone, and never new how to use itMeeklo
    • i knowdskz
    • of course ukit, that is why I didn't showed him my a2 poster of the timeline movie I always carry w meMeeklo
    • lolukit
    • To be honest, the iPhone markets that feature more or better or something. I didn't know that it existed before.Jaline
    • its a big ass screen, so people will notice it moredskz
    • yeah, that too.Jaline

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