Career change

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Transit_Broadcast0


    How about a little insight on carpentry, and carpenters? You see one of my best friends from high school runs his own Peter-Built (check out the dot com if you please) and it takes a certain kind of person. I should know I worked with him 'for kicks' after college. If you were to make a checklist of 'requirements' it would be something like this:

    - Be able to handle crap radio to the job site.
    - Be able to pack own lunch to substitute for crap food.
    - Be able to take crap regardless if your crew mate doesn't know how to figure out how much 5% of 50 is.
    - Be able to laugh at sophomoric and vulgar humor, and of course pitch in.
    - Be able to come to grips that your dimwit boss makes 4x your crap wage.
    - And of course be able to withstand hours of carpentry talk.

    Now... if you're talking carpentry, as in woodworking/industrial design I want to have a workshop in my garage... well yeah, I can understand that type of progression.

    Because believe me... you don't want to be a saw dik anytime soon.

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