Excerpts from my memoirs

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • Spookytim0

    St Ivor's Day, 9th erm, Earl... of Cardigan, 1974.

    I have resigned myself to the probability that I shall never see my fishing socks again. This gives me a heavy heart indeed. They were passed down through many generations of the Spooky family after being prized off the corpsen feet of none other than the Great Ghengis Khan himself.

    Aside from their immense historical value, there was 19million pounds in used notes stuffed in the toe of the left one.

    As usual, the insurance company are dragging their feet about approving my claim.

    Late afternoon, I made a hat out of bramble twigs. Took forever, I can tell you.

    Fothergill still not recovered.

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