
Out of context: Reply #33

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  • 34 Responses
  • Spookytim0

    Next piece... I had sketched this out a while ago but work got in the way so I put it under the easel until today. Although I have a heap of projects to contend with, I decided to treat myself to a day of drawing today, so I have done the hard pencil work on this. As before, I would love to know any comments. Negative ones - if truthful - are often the most useful to me.

    Should I colour it?
    Should I burn my easel and get on with paid commissions?
    Should I change technique?
    Improve technique?
    Find some more commercial / engaging subject matter?
    Does it feel original to you? Unoriginal?
    Anything... I know its not that easy or interesting to comment on what is essentially a bit of doodling but it is useful to me. I need to push myself on to new territory and that means doing the complete opposite of what I do commercially and being a bit 'shit' until something original and interesting clicks.


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