help help! Spanish translation!

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • VectorMasked0


    "tu tono de voz debe ir dirigido a tu audiencia"

    He pretty much got it.
    You can switch "Tu" with "Su". "Tu" is more casual, whereas "Su" is cold, polite and formal.

    In Mexican spanish "Tu" would be better. We tend not to use "Su" so much unless it is for something very formal and official.

    What i think is a bit wrong is using "ir" which translate to "to go".
    It should probably be "ser" which transdlates to "to be"

    polite-> Su tono de voz debe ser dirigido a su audiencia

    normal, casual, personal -> Tu tono de voz debe ser dirigido a tu audiencia.

    without so much emphasis on "your -> El tono de voz debe ser dirigido a su/tu audiencia

    • Vector, check above: it's not tone-to-audience; it's content-to-audience. "adecuado" is better suited.Corvo
    • yep. I realized tghat a bit too late. Didn't even bother reading all the post. My apologies master. I beg for forgiveness :o)VectorMasked
    • No it's ok... that only came up after honest stated exactly what he really wanted to say.Corvo

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