TV & Speakers

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • CincodeMayo0

    Yeah, I used to hear LCD's were the way to go, but I hear Plasma's are pretty close in quality now, no more burn in, etc. Also, I read that 1080 is never used on a TV unless you have a Blu-Ray DVD. All TV even HD is 720. True?

    • Nope, tv for me is usually 1080i.ismith
    • My 360 does 1080p on all my new games also.ismith
    • Good point...I have a 360. You're right, it's 1080.CincodeMayo
    • 360 is 1080i. only if you have a newer 360 hdmi and hd-dvd add-on can you view 1080p content from the xboxvwsung18t
    • I get 1080p from a first generation 360 over vga.. Some TV's take 1080p over component... It really depends on your set. You don't need a 360 Elite to output 1080pRodimus79
    • your set.. You don't need an Elite to output 1080p.Rodimus79

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