Any Good News?

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • Spookytim0

    BJ... Beef Jerky?

    Shit man, that's fucked. The lesson today though is don't pay for your print until its printed. Anyone wanting payment for print up front is a 'chuck it at the printing machine and get it out of here fast cuz we got a rota' kind of set-up and will almost always get it wrong somewhere along the line.

    If its so wrong its of no value to you (on a piece of business presentation/communication appearance is everything) then you should be able to get a re-print or your money back quite easily though I'da thought.

    bad luck though 7.34, I know you were looking forward to getting them back.

    • By the way, I know it aint Beef Jerky. Its Blow Jerkyoff.Spookytim
    • lesson learned... bastards...
      also BJ means BJ and the bear, that delightful tv show

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