God my job is crap

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Point50

    for there to be "great" jobs in this field, there has to be "shitty" jobs in this field. take your bumps and bruises now and hopefully you can be the one kickin ass in meetings soon down the road. You'll then get to talk on a personal level with clients and upper management; having to smile like you actually care or give a fuck about what they're saying, all in the name of business. Maybe you'll get to golf or take a business trip and possibly go to some huge corporate expensed dinner and endure 2 hours of small talk and fattening food before you even get to discuss work for about 30 minutes. then, head back to your hotel room, stare at the local news broadcast (which won't mean shit to you since you're not local) and fall asleep on that hard cardboard feeling bed at 2am after throwing a few back off of the mini-bar. Fast forward to 6am, you're ironing your shirt with that rinky dinky iron and ironing board in your room. You pack your bags and head downstairs for the continental breakfast in the lobby and soon realize that the danishes are delicious, but the coffee sucks; so you walk 2 blocks to Starbucks and while you're waiting on your order, you notice that the baristas aren't as hot as they are where you're from and try to figure out why/how that could be. You walk back to your hotel and find your co-worker(s) obsessively reading thru notes while valet pulls up your rental van. You get lost twice trying to find the clients office. Once you arrive, you're escorted to a conference room... where you will spend the next 6 hours of your day. You'll nod off a few times, think about how cool it would be if your pencil could transform into an Autobot, try to figure out if you'd bang 'Sarah' the VP of Marketing. You'll excuse yourself to use the restroom and find yourself hanging out in that restroom for fear of entering that meeting again. Lunch will be nowhere near as good as the dinner the night before (it will be shitty sandwiches that you will have to eat in the conference room during the meeting) and soon the room will smell of onions and pastrami. As soon as the meeting is over you'll laugh inside because you'll remember about how your pencil "transformed" , but then you'll panic because you'll realize that you have no clue what happened in the meeting nor can you remember half of the people's names in that room. On the way out of the clients office you'll hear Sarah talking on the phone with her "honey" and this just puts more dread into the 1 hour drive to the airport. The next 5 hours are filled with metal detectors, being annoyed while watching your co-worker(s) eat, and flying coach over the bible belt.

    • hahaha. gold.734
    • haha...starbucks.dtan
    • best paragraph I've read all dayCultr
    • you need to start a blogsikma
    • fantastic.sintaxera
    • pics of sarah pleasespendogg
    • What do you have against onions?MrOneHundred
    • that was chilling...the smells..sarahs legs..the shitty hotel...despair. Yes.mikotondria3
    • i felt i was actually there damn! should have made the moves on sarah before we went backOctober

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