Logo crit

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • 25 Responses
  • _salisae_0

    i like the idea.

    i don't like the missing counterspaces. especially within the second O in notions as it detracts from the mark you've created inside the name. the typeface is an odd choice since it rings very clear and concise and not the least bit foggy. it feels like you chose the font in order to make it look modern. your lines are too clean and the kerning isn't very crafted. the spacing between the bubbles needs to be worked out as well. i do like the way you've treated it at the bottom though.

    whether it reads music or not doesn't mean much to me. the logo is looking distinct and the branding can clear up the message of the mark. imo you don't have to say everything in one image. a simple tagline will do.

    i think this could be made much more simple and not so 'get it, yeah? get it .. thought bubble .. notions' (as jaline so aptly picked up on)

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