Better Yourself Today

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • tasty0

    What stops trick Birthday candles from being blown out?

    The wick contains an oxidiser, probably potassium nitrate, and a high energy fuel, either aluminum (aluminium to you brits) or magnesium in addition to the cellulose fibre of the wick.

    After the candle is blown out, the wick continues to glow red hot, the fuel of the cellulose oxidising fast enough to produce the red glow, but not to re-ignite the petroleum fumes from the newly extinguished flame.

    Then the red-hot wick ignites the metal speck, and it burns very hot, if you watch, you will see little miniature fireworks flashes.

    These are hot enough to light the wax fumes, and the candle is burning "again."

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