here comes texas...

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Spookytim0

    "please go on..." HAHA, sounds so sarcastic in English.
    Anyway, when I see him talk and doing meet&greet, he seems like he's following the rules laid out in the "How to act natural and put people at ease" handbook. I saw him talking to a woman who disagreed with him a while ago. He kept putting his hand on her shoulder to retort politely, but she kept talking, so he would retract it again and wait, and then put it back in the exact same way, adopting the exact same expression as though it was a rehearsed social technique. She could talk that lady, so Obama ended up doing his little social easemaker technique about twelveteen times, so I could see it wasn't the real natural Obama. Then, when he finally got a chance to answer her, all he said was (with a nice warm smile)... "What you said doesn't make any sense" or something quite weak like that. It just made me go from thinking "Yeah Obama would be great" to thinking "That guy seems a little out of his depth there, and now is not the time to seem out of your depth". I just think he needs to return to a bit of his real self to exude confidence. Thats all. Would be great to think he could get there though, as long as he has the back bone to carry the world's issues.

    • In "England" not "English"
      Fothergill, can you fetch me some new fingers? These ones are faulty.
    • He's a gentleman, don't get many of them in politics, let alone Americacreative-
    • I'd have admired him more if he shouted BITCH, SHUT YR GOD DAMN MOUTH & LET ME SPEAK.Spookytim

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