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Out of context: Reply #4

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  • TheBlueOne0

    In answer to spookytim (and I don't buy the argument that Obama is wet behind the years), Obama has had more experience in legislative government than Hillary - if you include his time in the Ill. State legislature & Congress. Hillary's primary claim for experience comes from the fact that she was first lady for eight years and knows her way around the White House.

    And his campaign has run administrative circles around hers, and perhaps the best from way behind to trop dog, so, I mean if that is a tiny example of executive competence over hers, well there you go. Campaigns aren't neccessarily indicitive of things liek that, but his campaign has come from behind, stayed on message, responded to all attacks, used money, people & other resopurces very wisely and been competitive in every State. I think it's a testamenrt to his executive ability on a small scale.

    Besides, at the end of the day, Obama actually makes me and alot of people to actually really be proud to be an American again. And I think that counts for a whole hell of a lot, because what makes America great, historically speaking, are really it's vibrant people, not it's politicians or it's economic might or whatever, and the people have been out of the mix for a looong time sadly. I feel under an Obama administration that has a chance of returning, having people believe that what they do actually matters beyond being an economic indicator of consumer spending on some corporate spreadsheet...

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