When did it happen?

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • Mojo0


    I've always loved computers. One of the first copmuters I had access to as a kid, was the Amiga 500+. This was when I was first introduced to a gaming and computing platform. You could play games, and also do word processing (I wrote little stories and things), and run paint programs like DeluxePaint.

    I remember discovering that DeluxePaint could do animation, and had a lot of fun with it. Age 9-10ish?

    Later on, I got my own PC. A 386-SX 25(mhz). Ran windows 3.1 (just). Having my own pc lead me to develop my technical skills, as I would constantly want to know how it works. Eventually upgrading hardware and stuff became second nature. I've never bought a brand new pc since, just upgrades.

    At this time, around age 12, I discovered qbasic. Qbasic is a BASIC interpreter that was included with DOS/Win3.1. I had so much fun with that. I loved using 'SCREEN 13' and using 320x240x256colour mode. Awesome.

    I came back from NZ to the UK, did a year in IT (so boring, I knew it all anyway), followed by a graphic design diploma (triple distinction), and .. started my own business.

    Early computers set me up for my current job really. I'm creative, and have a technical mind. Web design is perfect for that.

    • Holy crap! Are we twins?duckofrubber
    • DIY Lemmings animations? :)detritus
    • Corel Paint on Windows 3.1 almost lead to pre-pubescent suicide.Concrete

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