When did it happen?

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • duckofrubber0

    I've spent all my life either making art by hand (painting, drawing, sculpture) or being in front of a computer (I was hacking into BBS' at the tender age of 11)

    I went to college and placed out of most of my required credits, so I had plenty of time to take any classes I wanted. I ran the gamut of the liberal arts, all the while taking various painting, figure drawing, printmaking, scuplture classes in the art school. I settled on anthropology for a major, since the human condition is a drastic interest of mine.

    Around the same time I started throwing rave parties, and I was drawn to the funky, colorful style of the better flyer designers. I then realized that I could combine the two things I have always done, computers and art, and promptly switched into the school of art and the design program.

    I still study all sorts of fields of thought, and this definitely feeds into my design work. I'm especially getting into quantum theory and political science right now...

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