Baseball: Mitchell Report

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • Point50

    honestly, who cares? I mean, think about the amount of people that would have no qualms about making money off of their own personal drug and alcohol habits... These "steroid abusers" (LOL) keep the fans entertained and the commercial endorsements flowing. Sports fans are not as naive as these commissions paint them to be. Fuck Mitchell and his report. There's plenty of other things to investigate in this country. I don't advocate steroid usage by any means, but at the same time, if it was the difference between playing in the minors or battin' in Yankee stadium, well, sign me up.

    • The records are all fake then. Babe Ruth wasnt on HGH. He was on whiskey and beer.mrdobolina
    • unfortunately, times change. bigger, faster and stronger are what the teams, fans and advertisers want.Point5
    • Eh I disagree.mrdobolina

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