who else here hates halloween?

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  • mg330

    I pretty much hate it myself. I've found myself uttering lots of "I'm getting too old for crap like this," as I approach my 30th B-Day in December.

    I bought my intended costume - a polyester dress, white lace panty hose, some jewelery my girlfriend had, and an Optimus Prime helmet with the intent to be a "TrannyFormer." Friends said that was awesome.

    Then as I tried the whole thing on early Saturday I just went WTF, this helmet is so uncomfortable. Couldn't see out of it barely.

    We had a party to go to, so last-ditch effort got me a great fake mustache and beard, some Ray Bans, and I wore my Red Sox hat and a green hoodie - a few people asked if I were a terrorist or the Unabomber.

    Next year I will only participate if I buy this:


    It seems worth it, endless possibilities for non-Halloween days. Just wonder where I'd store it.

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