OSX Leopard

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • Raniator0

    The 'core animation' thingy that it uses allows for fancy graphics with a small hit on processing power (I think).

    Performance isn't all do with processor and memory, it's mostly to do with how the software is written.

    I had a 'beta' version of Leopard and installed it on a partition of my G5 iMac and the basic OS ran faster than Tiger. I can't comment on apps like Photoshop etc 'cause I didn't have anything else installed.

    I'm sure on Intel Mac's it will fly...

    Things like spaces/time machine/quicklook*/better security features plus the other 296 updates make it worthwhile in my opinion?

    *Quicklook could be a bit gimmicky but I think it could actually be quite useful if you can get past the 'its just coverflow' thing.

    That's my 2p anyway.

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