that's our bush

Out of context: Reply #128

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  • tommyo0

    Keep throwing stones. I have zero respect for you.

    It's funny how you liberals try to castrate anyone who doesnt fit your mold with these tired conservative stereotypes. I'm probably more liberal than I am conservative, but because I don't agree with your frothing at the mouth super liberalism then I'm some gun toting homophobe bush supporter. You didn't even take the time to look back at my position on the Wire Tapping...but just because I called that Democrat Bill out to see what you thought about your fearless Democrats, then I was for wire tapping in your mind. You're a simple man Rick. Simple thoughts.

    btw, I'm against warrantless wire taps, and for warranted wire taps. Which is more for civil liberties than what your pussy ass saviors are pushing through. And you call me a meathead, why don't you go grab your beer cozy and settle in for your night of masterbating to Girls Gone Wild infomercials.

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