that's our bush

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • tommyo0

    And this is going to fix it? I'll cry for those kids if you tell me that this is going to fix everything. Is it? You think this will fix it. Just like the California Lottery fixed our schools yes? Go give your money to that bum, tell him you want groceries delivered every week...I want to see how well your theory works. Then I'll cry for these kids.

    This doesn't fix the problem. The problem is not that kids don't have insurance, the problem is 'why do these kids not have insurance'...the reality is that they don't have insurance, the reality is that giving money to our gov to fix our problems only fixes reality for does not fix the reality that will be there tomorrow.

    Don't sit here and try to hurl personal insults at me for having a different opinion than you. I am just as frustrated that you don't get my pov as you are that I don't get yours. I see why you want to help .. I mean they are kids for gods sake. But the difference is simply that I don't trust our government with our taxes, this is an opinion based on history. I don't think that this will solve our problems, because it doesnt address our problems, it conceals our problems by digging deeper in our pockets. If you're telling me that this money is going to reduce the cost of the inflated prices we pay for health care, I might be with you on this. But you aren't telling me that, so I'm not with you. Let's agree to disagree. I can live just fine knowing that some guy doesn't agree with me.

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