Make me laugh...

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • Tara0

    ----So a guy walks into a doctors with a giant orange head and the dr goes,

    "fucking hell, what happened to you?"

    to which the man replies,

    "well, i was walking on the beach when i tripped over a lamp, naturally i gave it a wee rub just to see what would happen and sure enough a genie popped out and granted me three wishes"

    "so, what did you wish for" asks the dr

    "well", says the man, "my first wish was for all the money i could ever need, which sure enough i recieved, and for my second wish i asked for someone to love me forever, the genie sorted that out too"

    "so what the fuck happened" asks the dr...

    "well, this is where i think i went wrong, for my third wish i wished for a giant orange head."

    ---very funny i'm going to use that one

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