Out of context: Reply #79

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  • Boz0

    no I don't shit on Apple. I'm just pissed off about people who support Apple and talking crap about this.

    When something revolutionary comes out like this Apple fanboys keep shitting all over it because it's Microsoft. No valid explanation, no insight, nothing. I have my beef with Microsoft as well, but people are not objective. You should praise and embrace something that's really worth it, no matter who it comes from.

    Second thing is that Microsoft unlike Apple has financial strenght as well as developer and vendor support to implement this technology.

    To change how we live our lives with technology you need to have these things everywhere you go, restaurants, your fridge, your doors, your office desk. One iMac is not gonna do it if in case that's true that Apple has something like that coming out. But we all know what's gonna happen now don't we. They'll come out with something and then Apple fanboys will start talking how Microsoft ripped off multitouch from iPhone and crap like that. You see what I'm saying. It's just completely idiot, especially since the guy who invented multitouch technology did it with the help of Microsoft (take a look at that other video I posted, the guy talks about multitouch)

    I always had issues with Apple so called technologies, since they never invent anything, they rip it off and clean the shit out of it and package it nicely. That's it.

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