Stripclub tips/etiquette

Out of context: Reply #122

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  • mikotondria20

    ..sorry, is this a real thread ?
    Like - are people actually writing what they truly believe or is it an ultra-ironic parody of attitudes towards strip clubs..?
    I think I just read genuine discussion about 'how to get the most action' from strippers, for money ?
    Are you serious ?! Yall sound like a bunch of 14 year olds talking about a porno magazine..
    I went to a stripclub once, whilst out 'on the town' with a nasty guy I didnt like, doing a complicated yet worthy favor for a friend..
    I entered the place with a head full of preconceived ideas about the acting and the interacting that would go on, and how it dishonored everyone involved, and funnily enough, after one lapdance, those preconceptions were justified.. 'why ?...It's only money, I kept thinking, as a stranger rubbed herself on me because she was being paid to..
    Had I at the time, had misgivings about relating to all women on an equal basis, and sustained and festered power and relationship issues from an incomplete childhood bond and separation from my mother, I would have been only too happy to have 'regain control' from 'these bitches', as I stuffed money into their undergarments..
    Who's in control now, that's right, turn me on my terms, bitch, I would have thought as the night rolled on, and my cash ran out.
    However, being the sane, responsible and mature individual that I am, I immediately realized the inherent tragedies that were unrolling in front of me, and I really felt sorry for everyone involved as they all looked lonely and desperate.
    Dont give me all this 'its actually just a nice place to hang on, they're all upscale now, theres nothing seedy about it' bullshit..
    Its sex for money.
    Its a trade of power between 2 parties who cannot find that power any other way.
    Its emotional parasitism
    masquerading as titillation and glamour.

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