end of britpop

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  • 23kon0

    Britpop, garage - whatever!

    Most of them are "scene" or "guitar fad" bands, with the current music climate bands are "in" for a few weeks until all your myspace friends decide that THAT band isnt cool anymore so everyone shifts from the one 'new' thing to the other.

    The View are a scene band born from the strokes (you are right poomoo) but the view were more inspired by the Libertines.

    Im really bad for switching between liking and not liking new bands, if something is all the same all the time i tire of it easily so i try not to listen to the same thing too often.
    and the music i do listen to often are albums id deem as classics that i could listen to over and over.
    shadows endtroducing, chili peppers (their older albums - not the recent ones), the charlatans (whole back catalogue).

    one wee guy that caught my eye is that Jamie T. really good stuff and it echoes bigtime of the sound of the Clash. great album but after a few listens you realise there are only a few stand-out tracks and youd tire of it quickly.

    Bands like Razorlight and Coldplay etc are stadium bands, not rock n roll. they are polished bands designed to sell out stadiums and be headliners at festivals.

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