question for dads

Out of context: Reply #51

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  • exador10

    whups.,..didn't really answer the question well..

    did i have any anxiety?

    a little i suppose...whether or not i'd be a good dad, a good provider, that sort of thing..
    wasn't terribly concerned about my identity..i know who i am :)

    becoming a dad does actually change your relationship with your wife a bit...its only've now got priorities and responsibilities you didn't have before...
    you can't just decide to go out for beers at a momments notice, or sleep in, or whatever, or expect intimacy whenever it suits you, sort of thing...
    none of that exists in the same way once kids are in the picture...

    but, in exchange for these things, you get an incredible little person that smiles at you and gives you hugs all the time...

    or in the case of my 4 year old daughter, runs around telling me that she's mowgali from the jungle book, and that i'm her elephant

    and that folks, is way more fun than sleeping in on saturdays

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