question for dads

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • exador10

    you'll worry a lot.
    all the time.
    and you know what..
    all the worry is for nothing.

    a good friend of mine once said,
    y'know...if you're a decent person, with good sense and a level head, it's actually pretty hard to screw up badly...

    and he was absolutely right..

    my wife and i have 2 children, a girl almost 4, and a 1yr old boy...

    with our daughter, we've worried lately that she might not be a good eater, whether her diet is good etc...


    my wife went to a community centre the other day that had a seminar on healthy eating and children 'fussy eaters' that sorta thing..

    a) turns out our daughter is doing great and has a wicked good diet...we were worried for nothing...

    b) some of the weird shit she heard from the other parents makes us feel like 'mom and dad of the year'...

    so look...
    you'll worry about all sorts of things, but ultimately, if you've got a brain, good common sense, and a TON of patience, you'll be totally ok...

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