question for dads

Out of context: Reply #47

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  • Point50

    I thought I was going to lose my mind when my son's mother was pregnant. I was stressed out, lost a bunch of weight, couldn't sleep... then when his birth came, there was blood everywhere, I thought I was going to pass out. Then about 7 months later, the stress of working 2 jobs (for a total of about 70-80 hours per week) and being a father and a boyfriend kicked in double time it seemed. We broke up, went our separate ways, and I was a single father for about 3 years. Then, lightning strikes, and I get another woman pregnant! I thought my life was over as I was barely making it with 1 child. I thought life had bottomed out... I was in deep depression. Then one day, and I don't know why, I just fuckin pulled myself up and got positive about every situation in my life! And here I am married to my son's mother (Yes, we got back together after all the shit we went through) and life is great! My children are now 6 (son) and 2 (daughter). And you know what, life is even more difficult than it was, but because of my attitude everything is great... I'm happy! The truth is that in child expenses alone, about $1650/month just seems to flow out of the bank account, but I'm investing in the future and well being of my children, so the blow is really soft.


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