question for dads

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • ItTango0

    If you're both self employed, as my wife and I are, then this is a big deal. I will assume you've carved out and are fiercely committed to a budget. Do not go off track here. Open some sort of mutual fund for college, now. This will save your life.
    The dynamics are different and that may take a little getting used to... ok, a lot. if you are the "on the go" types, forget it, at least for a while. Dads may get cabin fever 'cause there isn't much for us to do except wait on mommy and baby. That said, as soon as baby is ready, take him/her everywhere you go. They'll get used to moving about much quicker and you won't feel like such shut ins. Oh, and practice your quickies. It's the only sex you'll have... together anyway.
    I love my Daddyhood.

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