web-based wysiwyg editor

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • madirish0

    you do, dude? it sounded like nothing like that to me at all. i heard "web-based wysiwyg editor with FTP built in" which, to me, sounds exactly like Epoz, Kupu or FCK Editor w/ an FTP functionality integrated. now, why this would be desired to live *w/in* the wysiwyg editor is beyond me as it could just be another field w/in the cms.

    my other question about this whole soap opera, is why not upload the file(s) (via the cms or web interface) over port 80 and http(s) as you are already int here? the DSL could handle opening up port 21 or 22 i guess and handle it that way, but then there would be security and verification issues that would stem and having the DSL mod apache or tomkat (depending on what was being used) gets sticky and lots of dev.

    again, i am now really curious what kiselka was originally asking for....

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