Kickass Laptop

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Visia0

    hey folks, thanks for the replies.

    Studdernine you can bite me.

    To everyone else . . . I've checked out Alienware but can't stand the gay cases. I'm wary of buying a mac and installing XP or Visita because it just seems like I would run into problems.

    I don't find that even the top-shelf DELL's are pimped out enough for what I want.

    I wish there was a company that would sell laptops that looked like macs, had the guts of a PC and were maxxed out as far as you can go as far as power is concerned.

    Maybe I'll get someone to build a custom machine for me.

    I will check out the Lenovo Thinkpad though.

    Thanks for the help folks.

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