Libby Verdict

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • maxB0

    "republicans pardon people from previous republican administrations."

    i found that pretty funny. from the wiki link that you must not have read.

    "Susan McDougal, who had already completed her sentence, was pardoned for her role in the Whitewater scandal; McDougal had served 18 months on contempt charges for refusing to testify about Clinton's role.

    Roger Clinton, the president's half-brother, on drug charges. Roger Clinton would be charged with drunk driving and disorderly conduct in an unrelated incident within a year of the pardon.[14] He was also briefly alleged to have been utilized in lobbying for the Braswell pardon, among others."

    seems this democrat pardoned people not only from previous democratic administrations but his own flesh and blood.

    hhahahhahahahahahahhhhahhaha BUT I GUESS YOU MISSED THAT hahhahahahahahha!

    open your fucking eyes meatwad.

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