// the respect thing...

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • sparker0

    i agree, in part, seph...that is how most of us got some form of start...but there is a big difference in jumping in the deepend on a personal project or small scale 'first time client' deal and a large scale, mission critical software or database project.

    when you write critical software that makes a business function day to day, the slightest problem can cost huge amounts of money for both you and the client/company.

    i'm not a designer, so i'm sure it's bit different...it might be easier to fake your way into a layout or cover design...but i don't believe you can in the software and database field.

    i also agree with the working environment. if your environment is crap, then your work generally starts to slip. the office has to be fun and light, especially when dealing with hardcore projects.

    that's why we have a frisbee golf basket in here...


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