aww shit! I need help

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • jevad0

    Jesus I need to read my posts before I broadcast them.

    Let me clarify.

    Took a job when I first moved here, even though I didn't think I would like it, because it paid more money and gave more holiday. It was also a WAY longer commute to the other places I could have worked at. But I thought I could make it work - having a few thousand extra dollars completely clouded my judgement.

    I quit after a year, to work at a place downtown that was much smaller in size and stature, and I have never been happier. Took a pay cut to do it.

    My point is - there is a lot to be said for not just taking a job because it offers you more money. If you are comfortable and able to pay the bills...sure hey wouldn't some more expendable cash be awesome? But you need to look at all aspects of the two jobs.

    No point taking more money at a new job if you are going to fucking hate being there day in and day out. And you *will* know if that is going to be the case.

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