Stripclub tips/etiquette

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • flavorful0

    i've never been to a strip club, i'm quite proud to say.

    i've seen the occasional stripper at a the occasional bachelor party.

    it's so demeaning.
    (Jan 8 07, 11:17)

    Yea, I've only been to one and have seen strippers at parties or whatever.

    Basically it's demeaning to me, not to them. I mean they chose their profession really, haha.

    I just don't feel comfortable in a situation like that because I wouldn't want my sister doing that kind of thing.

    Granted I hope my sister doesn't do a lot of things I've done with girls, but that's not on public display.

    I did go once with some work people, for some guy's bachelor party thing. It was weird.

    Especially when this girl recognized who I was, as she dated this drug dealer I grew up with.

    People hated me there, because she didn't want to dance and just talk about people we knew who got killed the past year, haha.

    I also didn't give her any money directly, but kind of let her know without being blatant that I was giving money to other people.

    I didn't want to join that list of people, haha.

    In the past though, I have always "forgot" my license or whatever. Which I pulled in Charlotte ... which turned out to be great for me because they all went to a strip club and I went to bar by myself where seemingly all the girls were since all the guys were at the strip club.

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