Live Looping

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • HelixDnB0

    I dunno, Abelton's good mainly if you're going to be playing out or doing Live PA type work (aka working with the audio on the fly instead of straight DJ'ing). For Production I'm not a fan whatsoever of it. Sure it's got great possibilities in the live realm (hence the Abelton *LIVE* part of the name) but as far as a personal perference goes, I'll be sticking with Logic for production.

    I only have a Midi KB and I'm getting a Virus KC this or next week, and I'm nowhere near the point of being able to have an entire live show (only have 6-8 songs in different stages of "finished") but we'll see once I start working more on a project I've started recently.

    It's good for what it is though, but due to personal pereference, no thanks.

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