conceptual branding

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • mr_snuggles0

    it's a tough one though, the lines are hard to see sometimes in how a brand-concept is carried through to many components..

    so many agencies refer to things as 'mentality-driven' which are clearly, harder to see... others are very literal, where say a visual is used in all materials, as a consistent device beyond the logo, extending the brands visual vocabulary, like the way HP uses the '+' signs in the old campaigns...

    If you can wade through my studio's horrendous website, go to "Werk > Huisstijl > Postbank" this rebrand was created with Wolff-ollins and although I cun't directly translate the brand concept, the underlying mentality is "Lose the clutter" everything is stripped down to the core, the photography and copy have duel meanings/relationships but are very down to earth and free of extraneous visuals or messages...

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