fucka pro bono

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Seff0

    " 1 week is the duration of pro bono enthusiasm. "

    awesome, very true and thanks.

    the design work is been way done. revisions are still trickling in. and to top it off i get stuck being the middle man for a probono printer.. Pro bono printer guy hates pro bono even more than me.. and i get to explain failed deadlines and try to push it through and make deadline.. epic.

    plus to make it an even more bitter pill. one facet of this job was 200 posters. which i screen printed, didnt have to, but it was a nice touch. 200 of the bastards. 4 colors.
    800 freakin squeegy pulls. and to top it off, the dude that i thought would appreciate it the most, asked me why i just didnt send out the posters to get printed.. right in the middle of the screen print run.. that muthrfuk took me 7 hours to print..

    goddamnit, if you read all this, god bless you..

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