track critique

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • monNom0

    IMO you went a little overboard on the 'tricks'

    eg all the cuts, and the fades etc break up the song to much and make it so it's not very dancable.
    (which is one of the primary goals of house music, dancing!)

    also you got some points where it feels like your building up to something, then it's just left flat... and there's no follow thru.
    Tha, i think is another key point in house(or at least a good house song) in that it increases tention and then let's it rip for a while before mellowing out again.

    I didn't really like the vocal sample... maybe cut it out so it's only at the real banging points as filler?
    I did like the highspeed vocal you had at one point though,,, i was hoping you were gonna work it in...

    the bassline sounds great, it has a real atari space invaders feel to it, really stompy, it could do with having the highs turned up a bit (the highs in the bassline,,, kind of a 'vrrrrt' sound?)

    especially at the end, you do it a it, then don't follow thru, when tht could kick some serious ass.

    so basicly: simplifiy the structure so that you're not dropping some mixing trick every four bars... let the people DANCE!

    and make it build to something.

    but then, that's just my opinion, and i don't really listen to much techno anymore, so I might not be 'with it'.

    good luck!

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