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Out of context: Reply #21

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  • PonyBoy0

    irrelevant... your question is a good one... it's a question many designers 'should ask themselves'.... because we get overly passionate about and tend to feel 'we are right' because 'we're trained'...

    ... but at the end of the day - a lot of what 'we as designers' feel is 'good design' has perhaps 5% as much 'meaning' to someone who isn't 'design minded'...

    ... nahmean?

    I'm saying - objectivity vs. subjectivity (and this has been a hard-learned lesson and is on-going for me) often doesn't 'hit the client upside-the-head' like it does 'designers'... so - in the end, you're creating a load of stress for yourself that is of no use.

    this article kind of 'helped' me to put the balance of the 'dumb client' and 'me-the 'smart' designer' in perspective:


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